May 2024 CP & DP Exam Results

I am pleased to share with you some UK specific figures for the recent examination series which should help your internal analysis.  We are incredibly grateful to the IB for sharing these figures with us, and I know that you will join me in thanking them for being open and allowing us to see these figures to help us contextualise UK performance versus the global standard.

The Mean Core score for UK candidates was 1.9

Diploma Programme (UK figures)

45 points 62

40-45 points 939 (22.81%)

Diplomas awarded      Standard 3279

                                        Bilingual 621

Total    3900 (94.73% pass rate)

 Career Related Programme (UK figures)

484 candidates

CP awarded                 Standard 435

                                      Bilingual 0

Total    435 (89.88% pass rate)

Thank you to those schools who provided feedback to us via our May and July surveys.  These surveys are invaluable in capturing patterns and we are pleased to report that the July, post-results, survey saw 51 schools responding.  The patterns emerging from these show concerns regarding the following:

1. Language A outcomes, especially the perceived lack of grade 7s in English Lit and Lang & Lit

2. Concerns over the moderation of Internal Assessment components across all subject groups, but particularly in Group 1

3. Ongoing worries about the inconsistency of grading in the Extended Essay

4. Wider concerns about the relative attainment scores across subjects and subject groups.

Since the results were released, we have been working with the Steering Committee, HMC and individual schools to analyse the results and prepare feedback for the IB.  Particular focus is being placed on two areas:

1. Language A, English Literature HL and SL and English Language and Literature HL and SL

2. Internal Assessment Moderator feedback

To help us with this analysis, we are commissioning a review of the links between prior attainment in English and IBDP outcomes.  You will shortly receive an email asking for you to complete a proforma spreadsheet which provides details of (I)GCSE results and IBDP outcomes in group 1.  Please can I ask that you give this urgent attention as we would like to move forward quickly with identifying any anomalies in these outcomes.  If we are able to get all schools to complete the return we should have in the region of 4000+ data sets which will allow us to draw meaningful conclusions and allow us to talk about national trends with the IB rather than relying on a small sample of the UK candidate data.  Prior Attainment data is particularly powerful as this is something the IB do not possess, therefore it is important that the IB Candidate number is correctly completed so that they can undertake their own analysis when we share the datas with them.

You will also be asked to provide examples of IA feedback which has been unhelpful in explaining moderation outcomes.  Again, as big a sample of these as possible is important in giving us the material to discuss potential adjustments with the IB.

If any school has individual concerns not covered by the above, or would like to discuss their particular issues please do not hesitate to contact us.

Richard Markham

Chief Executive Officer, IBSCA


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